Former student of BSTU "Voenmeh", I continue to study in my own pace while seeking a place to apply my skills. I had some experience developing automated systems for BSTU, but more importantly I can learn to do almost anything, given some time and testing environment (or description of such).
- BSc at Software Engineering (BSTU "Voenmeh")
- MSc at Software Engineering (BSTU "Voenmeh")
- 4 years of developing Workplace Automation systems at BSTU "Voenmeh", mainly for the admission committee.
- Development of automated task checker for Theoretical Bases of Informatics discipline at BSTU.
- Several pet projects such as tabletop map generator, currently unpublished.
- This CV
Code example
Solution to Codewars Kata Bit Counting (scrollable on small screens).
var countBits = function(n) {
return n.toString(2).replace(/0/g,'').length;
English: C1 Cambridge ESOL certificate
Russian: Native